Wednesday 30 May 2012

Some tips on laying turf

Laying turf can be really simple when you know how to do it. Here are a few simple that can help you to lay your turf correctly and accurately -
  • Make sure that you calculate the are you are going to turf, you can use our online turf calculator to help you with this. 
  • Make sure the old turf has been removed.
  • If you don't use top soil you will have to keep turning your existing soil with a shovel until it is fine and crumbly, removing any loose stones during the process.
  • Rake the soil using a wide rake.
  • Start laying the turf on the straightest edge available.
  • Once the lawn turf has been laid, water it straight away.
  • Finally, make sure you don't walk on it for two weeks, and keep off it as much as possible for four weeks to give the roots time to bind the soil.

For more information on our turf and to buy turf online visit, Easy Lawn.

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Finding the best Turf Suppliers

Finding the very best turf suppliers can be a really tough process sometimes. You have to ensure that they have the necessary experience in the turf suppliers industry and offer the type of turf you want. For example, they might only offer one type of lawn turf, and this would be no good at all if you wanted some very hard wearing, durable turf suitable for sports grounds. So, I would always advise that you make sure you are buying from the best turf supplier possible to suit your individual requirements.

Visit us online at

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Buy quality turf online

Here at Easylawn we grow and sell our own quality turf online. We have a quotation calculator on our website which allows you to calculate how much your turf will cost, depending on your measurements and requirements.

Use our turf quotation calculator HERE.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Turf for football pitches

Our Easy lawn sports turf is of a fantastic quality and is now supplied to Barclay's Premier League football teams, other football teams and to more sporting venues.
The Turf is hard wearing and is suitable for sports field application and training grounds etc.

Find out more at