Friday, 25 January 2013

Turf for Lawns and More

Turf is used by many people as it is often considered a better option than grass seed. One of the main reasons why people tend to favour turf to grass seed is because of the fact that you don't have to wait for it to grow. At Easylawn we grow and supply a wide range of turf throughout the UK and we have turf that is suitable for lawns, sports pitches and much more. For more details visit our website.

Friday, 18 January 2013

Lawn Turf Maintenance – A couple of things to consider in January

We are halfway into the month of January and this is generally a quiet month for carrying out any maintenance work on lawn turf. However, there are a couple of things that should be considered.
  1. There will probably be leaves scattered on the lawn that have fallen off the surrounding trees during the winter and these leaves should be removed this month.
  2. Try not to tread on the lawn turf too much during the winter months as it will do a frosted lawn no favours at all.
For more information on lawn turf and to view our range of turf products, visit our website.

Friday, 11 January 2013

Top Tips for Laying Turf

Have you ever wondered about the best way to lay new lawn turf? If you have then here is some help. Below are some top tips you should follow when laying turf.
  1. Make sure the area you are laying the turf on is well drained.
  2. Make sure that all surface debris (loose stones and weeds) have been removed.
  3. Firm and level the soil by treading down and rolling the surface, then rake it if the turf is dry.
  4. Make sure that you start laying your turf next to a straight edge, this could be a patio or a path.
  5. Place rolls end to end and ensure they are not stretched.
For more information about turf and the lawn turf we supply, visit our website.