Thursday, 20 December 2012

Merry Christmas from Easylawn

There are only a few more doors to open on the Christmas advent calendar and that means Christmas is around the corner! Christmas is a special time of the year for all of us at Easylawn, and it is only 4 days until Christmas Eve and the night Santa Claus comes to town.....great!. All of us here at Easylawn want to wish a Merry Christmas and New Year to everyone. 5 days to go...and counting.

Friday, 14 December 2012

Lawn Turf for Gardens

Is your old garden lawn looking old and tatty? Are you looking for a new lawn for your garden? If the answer to these questions is yes then new lawn turf could be the perfect option. The lawn turf that we supply at Easylawn is grown and cut to the highest standards to ensure a quality long lasting product. To find out more about our lawn turf and to view our range, visit our website.