Friday, 31 August 2012

Mowing your new lawn

You should always try to resist mowing your new lawn turf until the lawn has rooted. You might ask, ‘how do I check if my turf is rooted?’ Well it is simple, all you need to do is lift the corner of a strip of turf and check if the roots are attached to the soil below. Also, when you first mow your newly laid turf remove no more than one third of the grass height. Find out more tips on mowing your lawn by visiting us online at

Friday, 24 August 2012

Watering your turf

Newly laid lawn turf should be watered thoroughly and within half an hour after it has been laid. Thorough watering should take place at least once every day until you know the roots of the lawn are well established. For a rough guide, around 2 hours per day of constant watering should be carried out across the entire lawn, however, if the weather is really hot or dry then watering should last a while longer. Find out more by visiting Easylawn.

Friday, 17 August 2012

How to lay turf

There are many different ways that turf can be layed, however, some are better than others. Laying turf in the correct way is extremely important and one of the most important things that you first need to consider is the condition of the ground you are laying it on. The ground needs to be prepared in the right way so that the turf remains in a high quality state. If the ground is prepared badly then this will never produce the best results for the lawn. Find out more about how to lay turf at

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Turf and other products

Here at Easylawn, we grow and supply a range of quality turf that is suitable for many applications, including lawns and sports pitches. As well as supplying our professionally grown turf, we also supply many other turf related products, such as, weed killers, fertilisers, rakes and more. Take a look at the pictures below to see some of the other products we sell.




Friday, 3 August 2012

Lawn Turf Supplier in the UK

We like to see ourselves as one of the best lawn turf suppliers in the UK. As a professional lawn turf supplier it is our duty to ensure that the turf we supply has been grown to the highest standard possible. All of our turf is produced in our onsite nursery and can be ordered over the phone or online. By choosing Easylawn as your lawn turf supplier, we guarantee you value and quality. To find out more visit us online at